Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wilderness comment

As we explore life itsef, the only thing that is untouched by human hands is the future. Even the very next second in time is untouched. Therefore, the future is the wilderness. By exploring life we are exploring the wilderness.


  1. Deep thoughts, Rich. Doesn't what we do now largely determine the future?

    Your post should try to deal with Cronon'[s ideas and how they impact (or not) your thinking about wilderness.

  2. Very unique thought. Would we be able to survive without interacting with nature?

  3. This is a very interesting way to think of wilderness. I always imagined it as being a specific place you could find on a map, but I really like where you went with this. Wilderness is something no one can seem to universally define, and maybe it's because we have been thinking about it all wrong.
